Cold Brew Coffee

Cold Brew Coffee

Be sure to order your Fresh Roasted Coffee at TnT Coffee Roasters

In the Summer hot Texas days Mamma T loves her Cold Brew Coffee! You will see her roaming around our place with a mason jar filled with a Carmel looking stuff in her jar! So i thought i would share with you all a simple recipe on how to make your own without all that fancy stuff you see in magazines and such! Enjoy!


1 and 1/3 cups ground coffee

4 cups water (cold or room temp)

Large Mason Jar or pitcher

Fine mesh strainer with coffee filter inside it (or cheese cloth, clean dish towel, anything to filter out the grounds)


1. Place coffee in jar or pitcher and pour water over top.

2. Stir to combine.

3. Seal and let sit for at least 8 hours to overnight at room temperature.

4. Pour mixture over a strainer in to a bowl. Clean jar.

5. Strain a second time in to clean jar.

6. Walah! Cold brew coffee concentrate. 4 cups of concentrate will make about 8 cups of iced coffee. This will last up to a week in the fridge.

To serve

This is a very concentrated coffee. You will need to dilute this to your liking. I drink it in a 1 to 1 ratio (1/2 coffee, 1/2water). You could go more or less water depending on preference. Mamma T likes to add some half and half to hers.

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